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Tillsonburg Nutrition and Supplementation

Woman pouring out supplementsAt Allard Chiropractic, you’ll get high-quality, gentle, specific care. At each of your visits, Dr. Lindsey loves to act as a resource for area residents. She has a background in nutrition and supplementation and will be happy to discuss which may be beneficial for you.

Catering to Your Needs

We believe that every single person is unique. That means no single nutritional recommendation is necessarily right for everyone. Dr. Lindsey will choose specific supplements that are right for you. They’ll be designed to help your body rebuild, aiding your healing and recovery.

Dr. Lindsey will look at your health history and current problems, taking all information about you into account to determine what you might be missing.

After you begin taking your supplements, Dr. Lindsey will check in with you periodically to see how they’re working. We’ll adapt or add things as needed.

Our Product Lines

We carry many nutritional products in-house. The primary line we work with is Metagenics, which you can buy online through our own store.

Call Now

Let’s work together to boost your wellness. Contact us today!


Nutrition Tillsonburg ON | (519) 688-1800